Lucifers Hordernjhds


The road that led to and from Dewsbury was frail and no longer able to support anything or anybody without the risk of collapsing under their weight. Broken branches and leaves cover the roads inside the town while the tall grasses of the unkempt gardens sway in the wind.

Most doors still stood sturdy in their frames. They were a little dirty, but if you only focused on the doors you'd expect people to come out as if nothing had changed. Broken cars and rusty pieces of metal littered some of the larger driveways, stripped from all but their most useless parts.

Dewsbury, once a peaceful and growing community had all but faded away from history. Silence had taken hold and would've been deafening were it not for the many animals that had made this place their home. Bird songs, rustling bushes and the occasional howl filled the air.

The fountain in the town square was still full of water, though without filtration it had turn green and overgrown with algae and other plants. But at the very least the ducks seemed to enjoy it.

It was a strange feeling to be in the footsteps of so many lives now long forgotten and not knowing what became of the people who once spent their lives here. But not all was lost. In a way the legacy of this town lived on through the animals that lived here now, the spirit was still alive albeit in a different manner.


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